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1 Common points between a sculptor and a machine designer
1 Common points between a sculptor and a machine designer
2 Although a sculptor and a machine designer may seem very different at first glance, they have many common points. Here are some common points between a sculptor and a machine designer
2 Although a sculptor and a machine designer may seem very different at first glance, they have many common points. Here are some common points between a sculptor and a machine designer
3 Creativity. Both sculptors and machine designers work on jobs that require creativity
3 Creativity. Both sculptors and machine designers work on jobs that require creativity
4 Careful observation. Sculptors and machine designers make a detailed observation before starting their work. Sculptors examine the shapes and patterns inside a block, while machine designers carefully evaluate customer needs and functions
4 Careful observation. Sculptors and machine designers make a detailed observation before starting their work. Sculptors examine the shapes and patterns inside a block, while machine designers carefully evaluate customer needs and functions
5 Material knowledge. Both sculptors and machine designers must be knowledgeable about the materials they will use
5 Material knowledge. Both sculptors and machine designers must be knowledgeable about the materials they will use
6 Collaboration. Sculptors and machine designers often work with others. Sculptors work with a team to create a sculpture, while machine designers work with engineers and technicians
6 Collaboration. Sculptors and machine designers often work with others. Sculptors work with a team to create a sculpture, while machine designers work with engineers and technicians
7 Attention to detail. Sculptors and machine designers attach great importance to details in their work
7 Attention to detail. Sculptors and machine designers attach great importance to details in their work
8 Progress and development. Both sculptors and machine designers are constantly pursuing progress and development
8 Progress and development. Both sculptors and machine designers are constantly pursuing progress and development

Common points between a sculptor and a machine designer

7 answers
Although a sculptor and a machine designer may seem very different at first glance, they have many common points. Here are some common points between a sculptor and a machine designer
Creativity. Both sculptors and machine designers work on jobs that require creativity
Careful observation. Sculptors and machine designers make a detailed observation before starting their work. Sculptors examine the shapes and patterns inside a block, while machine designers carefully evaluate customer needs and functions
Material knowledge. Both sculptors and machine designers must be knowledgeable about the materials they will use
Collaboration. Sculptors and machine designers often work with others. Sculptors work with a team to create a sculpture, while machine designers work with engineers and technicians
Attention to detail. Sculptors and machine designers attach great importance to details in their work
Progress and development. Both sculptors and machine designers are constantly pursuing progress and development

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