Machine Details

The Tube Cone machine has a wide range of applications. Different sectors such as chair, table manufacturers or tent pole manufacturers use this machine. The end of a spray gun, copper pipe ends, or copper serpentine ends are subjected to diameter reduction. One of our most important references is Bisan Bicycle, one of Turkey's largest bicycle manufacturers. We design and produce this machine according to the material to be subjected to coning process rather than standard models. At the same time, this machine is also used for node tube production in terms of its working logic. Tube coning and automatic node tube machines are produced in desired dimensions. This system provides a good alternative to wire drawing machines with the conversion of large diameter aluminum into wire. We will soon add a new one to our references. Our customer from Gaziantep wants to sharpen the ends of liver skewers. Of course, this is possible if you heat the iron.

Yes, the tubes used in Table and Chair production are also used in end sharpening, coning, thinning, and diameter reduction operations. You can also use the same machine for node tube production. What we need from you primarily is the outer dimensions of the tube you want to reduce the diameter and the coning length. From how many mm to how many mm does the diameter decrease? Material type, wall thickness, and coning length. When you inform us of the most important criteria, the machine configuration design that best suits your business is designed and produced by our engineers and designers.

Working Principle of the Machine:

The working principle of this machine actually completely overlaps with the swaging machine. You can also perform the coning process with the swaging machine. In the swaging machine, the tube rotates and hammers hit, while in the tube coning and diameter reduction machine, the tube is fixed and molds rotate to hit. With each stroke, 0.1 mm pressure is produced, and with 300 strokes per minute, the desired final shape can be produced.

Mold and Body:

Molds produced using 2379 heat-treated and annealed German origin mold materials are highly resistant to wear and impact. With conical bearings, lubrication system, thick and strong main body, domestic electric motor, and vibration-preventing chassis system, you will be able to get the maximum efficiency from the tube coning machine.

Please contact us for details and orders.

on 11-02-2023, Written by Soner Faruk Cengiz

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